...Our Adoption Walk-a-thon...
Saturday, May 9th... Marked the day of Team Hope's Adoption
We were blessed to have 51 of our wonderful friends & family join us for the event!
$3,622+ Raised, so far!!!
And our hearts rejoice to be another step closer to bringing our
child(ren) home!
"Team Hope"
...Big people... Little People... Walkers... Wagons... Strollers... Bikes... Crutches & a wheel chair too.
Though the day was a little chilly... The love & support shared, warmed us all!50 degrees & Partly Sunny, but NO rain... PTL!
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"Romans 10:15
Thank you! Thank you for your prayers, support, love, & encouragement.
Words can not adequately express our gratitude!
We are overwhelmed. You have blessed us beyond measure.
The Fisher's