Today, was the last day of swimming lessons for all of us. (not including me) Due to some meltdowns my mom decided that it would be best for 'T' to stay home. She has said goodbye to so many things in her life, that we need to keep things as simple as possible. Coming up on our one year "Gotcha Day" you'd think that it would be easier. That's what we wish too, but around this time each year (Gotcha Day) it gets harder. One year, is a HUGE milestone. But, as I sit here at the dining room table writing this, 'T' is still having a hard day.
As I've mentioned before, we like to call it our "roller coaster ride". We notice that almost every time that we have a few busy days, or one busy day for that matter, that 'T' gets overwhelmed. Whether it's seeing friends, going places, or being busy at home, she just takes it all in and it can upset her pretty easily. One event that we all thought she was going to have the hardest time was her birthday. Around that time, was when we started to notice how she can have hard days after so many events.
To our surprise she did amazingly well for the next week. Usually it will be a couple days after, but she held it together for about a week! :) That was one of our small steps into learning how we can make better choices for our family.
With 10 days of swimming lessons already done, we're onto our next choices for the summer. It went by so quickly, and they ALL did great! 'T' has started arguing ALOT. Whether it's what we're having for dinner, or something we're doing she has to argue about it. One of the best ways to not accept this behaivor is to ignore it. If my mom is making something for dinner and 'T' starts to argue or complain about it, my mom will ignore it and continue.
Sometimes 'T' will see that as a chance to keep saying things under her breath, or she may just be annoyed that it simply didn't bug us. Yes, she pushes lots of our buttons but we're still working on that. One of us (the kids) might be having a particular bad day because of fighting, or siblings just annoying us. So, what we have started is "dates". A day that mom brings one of us alone to do something special, with just her.
Some of the things that we've done: (depends on our age) :)
M: Shopping, and renting a movie.
E: I think she still has a date to set.
J: His is coming up.
S: Smoothie, and a toy for doing a great job at his doctor's app.
T: She also had a doctor's app... Smoothie and a few goodies to bring home
I'm sorry this post got SUPER long, but just thought I'd update. I wish there was a detour we could take on this road trip, but God has it all in his hands. Thank you to everyone who has
continually been praying for our family! We appreciate it more than words can explain!
Have a wonderful day!
In Christ,