Sunday, April 15, 2012

2nd Referral-versary!

April 14th marks the anniversary day we saw our youngest daughters face for the first time!

At the time she was said to be a three year old, we would later know she was already 4.

None of it is a surprise to God, however.
God formed her body and knew her name before time began.
And the very day she took her first breath was ordained by Him.

We rejoiced to finally see the one we had prayed for for so long.

Her big brown eyes were beautiful but also tell a story of hurt & loss.

It's been two years since we peered into the eyes of our daughter,
in the only 2 pictures we received.


T's been home with us for 21 months.

And each day we still see a hurting little girl,
desperate to belief she's HOME,
but scarred from a past that told her too much... 
nothing is forever.
loved ones go away.
only trust in yourself.
bad things happen.
your worthless.
love is temporary.
and the list goes on and on.


We will continue to pour love into her.

To speak God's truth to her.

And do all we can to break down the barriers that prevent her from accepting our love & care,
and rather has her fighting to not let herself get hurt again and pushes us away with mighty force.

We will unwaiveringly continue to work to build trust in T, that one day,
prayerfully, will open her up to wholey receive love & know true joy.


Today, we celebrate the family God uniquely knit together,

for His perfect plans & purpose.

And trust in His unfailing love for each one of us.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you HOPE and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

Mel said...

Very informative...
I love you,