Monday, August 13, 2012

A Little Update & Prayers Please!

This summer has gone by way too fast! We enjoyed soccer from mid May - early July. Erin & I went on a trip to New Orleans with our youth group, and we've kept it low key here at home. We've gotten together with friends, trips to a water park, sleeping in the camper, & and of course "pajama days"!

Although those things have been fun, other things have not been so fun. 'T' has had some of the hardest days yet. Of course through July, there were some anniversaries and that can even throw her off. Routine is something she needs, because she hasn't had it her whole life. When you live in an orphanage, you don't know what the next day brings. You don't know when you'll eat, and there is very minimal sleep. There is heartbreak every day.

'T' still struggles and will continue to struggle with her heartbreak. Things have changed dramatically throughout her life, and some of those memories will never go away. When those moments come back to her, she gets stuck. Stuck with an attitude that would blow your socks off. It's hard to watch what comes from that attitude. 'T' is a fighter, and she will go to all measure just to win.

We keep her safe, give her what she needs, but things that cause heartbreak just don't get deleted. We let her know what's happening and take care of her. She gets food, water, clothes, a family, & playtime. But she thinks she's worthless. When you've gone through so much in your life, you feel like you don't deserve anything. We love her through the good & bad, but we always need guidance and provision.

Our family has gone through some very rough patches in our life lately. If you can keep us all especially 'T' & my awesome, amazing, and loving momma in your prayers... that would sooo appreciated. We forget that sometimes you can't do it alone. God is always with us, but when you've got the prayers of sweet friends... it's always better. <3

In Christ,


Mel said...

I pray for the fisher family daily that our precious lord jesus will enter that little girls heart and save her soul,heal her mind,her actions, tantrums,ect...Please God, heal your child and the fisher family...

Michlyn said...

Thanks grandpa! We miss you lots, and hope to visit soon. :)

Our days are getting a bit better. Jesus only knows the future!

Love you,