So it's been a really long time since anyone has posted here and I apologize. But life happens, and you get busy and blogging isn't one of those priorities anymore. I'll give you a big catch up post and possibly some pictures but we'll see. :)
The summer was crazy busy but very fun and memorable! LOTS of soccer, driving here and there, visiting family and friends, and just taking time to relax before school and more sports would start again. The weather seemed really funny this summer as winter decided to last until May. As of this week in early September, it's been HOT.
Michlyn's summer included a job as a nanny with Erin, driving her siblings around, hanging out with friends, reading some books, and relaxing before school starts. She found out some of her best friends were leaving the charter school we attend this summer, so going back to school has been extra hard this year. She is a Junior in high school this year and that's kind of scary and exciting at the same time. That means this year and only one after that until graduation comes. (let's not talk about it) She is playing volleyball again for school and is one of the captains on the varsity team. She is thoroughly enjoying it!

Erin enjoyed her summer with playing lots of soccer, seeing her friends, going to a One Direction concert, having a nanny job with Michlyn, and sleeping in. :) Erin started school as a sophomore this year! Crazy how another year has gone by already...She and her best friend 'N' do everything together. They are some of the funniest and craziest best friends I know. They are the same age and have a lot of classes together at school, so school has been pretty fun for her so far. She is also playing soccer again for school and although their team isn't as experienced, she does a fantastic job and I don't think I could tell you how much she loves her sport. She took Driver's Ed this summer and plans on taking her drivers' permit test soon.

'J' had a really fun summer too! He played soccer for the 4th summer and he improved so much! He even got suggested to tryout for the traveling team for next summer. :) He is our shy and quiet one...just tries to take everything in and it scares me how fast he's growing up. He started 5th grade this year. He, again, has a new teacher and was a little extra nervous on his first day, but he loves her. He's doing all his homework and already learning a lot! He has quite a few friends and usually always has a good day!

'S' is our early riser and loves to play. So more often than not, this summer, he would be up early asking me if he could play on my iPod or I'd hear him in our living room at 6:00 am. It seems he has this un-ending supply of energy. :) He's our little comedian and is always making us laugh...I think him and Erin got most of the funny genes. He started 2nd grade this year! I can't believe it...I always say this but my brothers are getting so big and it's so great to see them grow up. He has the same teacher as last year and likes her a lot! He's best friends with the school Janitor because I always see him talking and giving high fives to 'S'. :)

'T' is going to be home schooled again this year. It's the best decision for her and for our family as we continue to work on bonding and attachment. This summer, in July, was 'T's 3rd gotcha day. She has been in our family for 3 entire years. Although adoption was one of the hardest things we've ever done, we know that God put her in our family for a reason. He only knows when each step will get easier. Neither adoption or parenting is easy though and we're putting our faith in him to help us teach and help 'T' to grow and learn.
I promise I'll be back sooner than later next time! Thanks to all our friends and family that read along on our family's journey. :)