Wednesday, January 7, 2009


All three of the big kids are in school today
No "little" friends visiting

Our social worker comes tomorrow for our last homestudy meeting

I need to focus
Get something done
There is just so much to do, I don't know where to start

Here goes...
(Can't ignore my piles today)
Turn off the computer
Take a deep breathe
and just do it!

I'll let you know how I do :)


Heidi said...

What piles did you accomplish! I have been waiting!

Aimie said...

hi bec!
i didn't know that i could leave you my comments! how fun!

i hope and pray that you didn't stress-out too a lived-in home probably looked better to her than a perfectly-kept home!

(and hopefully encouraged her too, that you take more time to be a mom to the kids, (and a wife to DJ!) than to make sure that your house is perfectly kept up!)

"if you have the most important job in the world...than you're a MOM!!" -words from the mom song, by Go Fish

i'm excited to hear how it all went!
