Friday, July 22, 2011

Quick Post - New recipe

So tonight my mom made these quick zuichini snacks. The recipe is below:

Things you need:

1 zuichini (or more depends on how much you want to make)
Vegetable Oil
1-2 eggs (again it depends how much you're making)
Saltine crackers

How to make it:
Start by heating a fry pan and lightly pouring the vegetable oil in the pan just to cover the bottom of it.
Next, you can start cutting the zuichini in medium slices, and putting them off to the side.
Then, take a handful of saltine crackers, put them in a plastic gallon sized bag, use a rolling pan or just your hands, and start crushing them.
Put the crushed crackers into a bowl, and also the egg(s) into another separate bowl and mix well.
Once your pan is heated you then take a slice of the zuichini, dip it into the egg, roll it in the crackers, and finally place it on the pan to cook.
Once each side is done to your liking flip it to the next side.
Continue until all of your cut slices of zuichini are made.

We also enjoyed some porkchops tonight with this tasty snack!
Blessings, ~Michlyn


The dB family said...

Yum! That's what I forgot to plant in my garden this year. We'll miss it!


Michlyn said...

Ooh man... I always love reading your new recipes and garden posts! Hope it's been abundant this year!
