Wednesday, February 15, 2012

catching some Zzzz's

We've starting implementing a new (to us) strategy for our night's...

 We're working toward better sleep - especially  for T,
 which in turn means better sleep for mom & dad too (right?)  :)

I'm going to be vague with specifics but I will say, we're using tools to instill safety & care.

As I've mentioned before,

T. is a "survivor" and has a long way to go in wholeheartedly trusting "others" to take care of her.

We continue to pray she'll come to know, she is a beloved daughter of the King!

He had a plan (He still does) for her when He placed her in this family.

Nothing's a surprise to Him.

And He doesn't make mistakes.

I pray she will begin to trust enough to be a "little" girl...

To feel taking care of & even a little carefree.


We have been using the "strategy" for a few days now, and already we are starting to see & feel a difference.

Praise the Lord!

:D We're still far from the rest of Sleeping Beauty...

But I can say,

We are definitely catching a few more (peaceful) Zzzzz's!

For that we thank God!

He has given us friendly encouragers along our journey

And the confidence to parent our precious daughter with her unique needs in mind!

Sleep by Sleep,
 we continue to hold fast to Him and His unfailing love for each of us!

Sweet Dreams,

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28


The dB family said...

Sleep is such a much needed thing! I'm glad you are finding new ways to help everyone get more sleep. Surprisingly, that is one thing we have never had an issue with with the Wee Three. I was mentally prepared for it, but it never happened. I'm very thankful that it didn't because I'm still not sure I would have survived physically or emotionally.

Praying that you sleep times continue to improve.


Michlyn said...

'T' is a great sleeper, but by doing our best and making healthy choices, she's sleeping much deeper. She feels more rested, and that can always lead to a better day.
